Tourism jobs challenge

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A list of useful Queensland Government open datasets are tagged on

  • Previous research estimated 23,000 additional jobs are required by 2020. How many jobs will be needed in the next 5 years? 10 years? 15 years?
  • Tourism in Queensland continues to grow and evolve. It covers a range of ANZSIC industry sectors
  • Tourism industry = 1 in 11 Queensland jobs
  • How will tourism labour and skill needs change? Our workforce must meet future industry needs?

What is your solution?

We suggest you consider using the following Queensland Government open dataset:

  1. Regional Employment Projections 2010-11 to 2040-41

Locating open data

Queensland Government open data is accessible at Search for other government open data at and local government websites.

Below is a list of open datasets and resources you might like to use for this challenge.

Open datasets

  1. Tourism Research Australia – State Tourism Satellite Accounts 2016-17(direct tourism employment broken down by ANZSIC sector)
  2. Tourism Research Australia - Tourism Forecasts 2017 (visitor night forecasts by State to 2026)
  3. ABS - Labour Force data including 6202.0 and 6291.0.55.003 (national and state employment data by industry)
  4. Department of Education and Training – higher education enrolments and completion data
  5. Department of Employment, Small Business and Training – VET training activity data
  6. Department of Jobs and Small Business – 2017 Employment Projections


  1. ABS - ANZSIC industry sector codes and ANZSIC classification system
  2. SIC Codes – What is an ANZSIC Code?
  3. Queensland Government - Young Tourism Leaders
  4. Deloitte Access Economics – Australian Tourism Labour Force Report 2015 -2020
  5. Jobs Queensland - Queensland Tourism Workforce Plan 2017-2020 (PDF)
  6. DestinationQ, 2014 - Queensland’s tourism workforce - a workforce profile of Queensland’s tourism industry
  7. Skills IQ, 2017 - Tourism, Travel and Hospitality Industry Reference Committee – Industry Skills Forecast
  8. Acil Allen Consulting, 2016 - Careers and Jobs outreach strategy
  9. Service Skills Australia, 2016 - SIT Tourism, Travel and Hospitality Training Package – Companion Volume Implementation Guide (PDF)
  10. Queensland Tourism Industry Council - Chef’s Shortage Report (2018) (PDF)
  11. Destination Q – Commissioned research papers
  12. Skift – Megatrends Defining Travel in 2018
  13. Deloitte Insights, 2018 - The Fourth Industrial Revolution is here—are you ready? (PDF)
  14. Tourism Research Australia - Tourism Businesses in Australia, June 2012 to June 2016