Economy and Jobs
How can we create more jobs and grow the Queensland economy?
- Queensland’s $349 billion modern, vibrant economy is supported by a range of industries and services.
- Over the past two decades, Queensland’s economic growth has generally exceeded the national average thanks to developments such as the resources investment boom and the associated upturn in LNG exports.
- Health, Mining & Energy, Agriculture, Construction, Education & Training, Financial & Professional Services and Tourism are the major contributors to economic growth in Queensland.
- Queensland’s population could be more than 8 million by 2066.
What is your solution?
We suggest you consider using the Queensland Government open datasets on
Locating open data
You can view open data relating to business and economic interests on the Queensland Government Open data portal. To give you some clues on where to start this challenge, we have provided below, a list of the portals’ most relevant datasets.
Other useful data can be found at
Either click on a link below or search for the dataset on
Open datasets
- Wind model – Queensland
- Suitable Operator Register (SOR) for Environmentally Relevant Activities (ERAs)
- Vegetation management – register of accepted development vegetation clearing code notifications
- 2016-2017 Trade Statistics — Queensland Ports
- Solar model data and report - Queensland
- Find a charging station — Electric vehicle
- Registered operators of intensive animal feedlots
- Queensland Aquaculture Production
- Overseas exports and imports of goods, value, Queensland and Australia
- Occupational and industry licensing statistics - Office of Fair Trading
- Labour force status by region, Queensland
- Key demographic and socio-economic indicators by state and territory (as at June 2019)
- International visitors by Queensland Tourism region
- Index of retail prices in Queensland regional centres
- Annual coal statistics
- State and non-state school details
- Training organisations
- QBCC Licensed Contractors Register
- Register of Architects
- QBCC Licensed Building Certifiers
- Pool safety register
- Workforce and human resource management - DoE
- Annual mineral and metal statistics
- Annual coal statistics
- Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Features
- Australian Biomass for Bioenergy Assessment - Queensland data
Other Resources
- Queensland Government Food and Beverage Supplier Directory
- Queensland’s Economy
- Employment and Jobs
- Queensland Tourism and Recreation
- Powering Queensland Plan
- Tourism data and statistics
- Australian Bureau of Statistics
- Tourism Research Australia
- Mineral and coal industry outlook and statistics
- Queensland Plan
Guidance to help you prepare your GovHack project video to pitch your solution (3 minutes):
- Introduction: state the project title, team name and members.
- Problem: what is the challenge your hack addressed? Why does it matter to find a solution?
- Vision: in one sentence, describe the ideal end state / long-term goal you are trying to achieve through your solution.
- Data/resources: what was your approach to solve the problem? How did you investigate the problem? Provide an overview of the open data and information used and how it helped you to develop your solution.
- Minimum viable product: describe your solution (proof of concept). What makes the solution unique? What would be the impact of the solution?
- Next steps: outline a road map on how the solution could be developed and implemented to achieve your vision.
For more tips see the GovHack handbook.