State Challenge - Age Friendly Community
Sponsored by the Queensland Government on behalf of the:
- Department of Communities, Child Safety and Disability Services
Age Friendly Community
An age-friendly community is one that enables people of all ages to actively participate in community life.
Our vision is for Queenslanders to live in age-friendly communities that allow people, regardless of their age, to stay active and connected, and to contribute economically, socially and culturally. In particular, an age-friendly community ensures older people are free from age-related barriers.
The challenge may be presented via, but not limited to one or more of the following delivery options
- Application
- Website
- Visual Art - installation, video, sculpture, photography, painting, sketch.
- Game - single or multi-player
- Written or Musical piece
The Challenge
We would like GovHackers to be guided/inspired by the theme of age friendly communities in one or more of the following topics
- Outdoor spaces and buildings – Seniors live in an environment that includes open spaces, buildings, shaded areas and walkways that are safe and easy to navigate.
- Transport – Seniors can get out and about, using a range of affordable, user-friendly transport services.
- Housing – Seniors' housing options are affordable, accessible and close to transport and community services.
- Social participation – Seniors are supported to be active in their community, doing the things they enjoy.
- Respect and social inclusion – Seniors from all backgrounds are valued and appreciated, and no one is excluded.
- Civic participation and employment – Seniors participate in employment, training, lifelong learning and volunteering opportunities, and inform government policies.
- Communication and information – Seniors access information they need in a variety of formats to stay informed and connected with their communities, families and friends.
- Community support and health services – Seniors are helped to stay healthy, active and independent through community support and health services.
More information on the Queensland Government’s age-friendly strategy is available here.
To be eligible to win you must use at least one of the data sets provided for this challenge hosted on Open Data Portal, but you are free to use data from the official GovHack list or any other data sets as long as their licensing terms permit.
Useful search terms: govhack 2016, age friendly community, seniors, community, aging, age, social, employment, health, environment, housing, buildings.
Seniors Demographic Data
These datasets help provide a demographic profile by age, gender, suburb and postcode of all government concession cardholders, including seniors. This would be useful for finding “high value” areas for services.
Dataset can be found here.
Department of Social Security (DSS) Payments Demographic Data
The March 2016 Quarter DSS Payment Demographic data set is made up of: Selected DSS payment data by Geography: state/territory; electorate; postcode, local government area (LGA) and Australian Bureau of Statistics statistical geography (for 2015 onwards)
- Demographic: age, sex and Indigenous/non-indigenous
- Duration on Payment (Working Age & Pensions)
- Duration on Income Support (Working Age & DSP)
- Rate (Working Age & Pensions)
- Earnings (Working Age & Pensions)
- Age Pension assets data
- Disability Support Pension (DSP) by medical condition
- Care Receiver by medical conditions
Dataset can be found here.
Business Discount Directory
Businesses registered in the Carer and/or the Seniors Business Discount Card scheme which provide discounts or offers to holders of a Seniors Card, a Seniors Card +go, a Seniors Business Discount Card and/or a Carer Business Discount Card and venues participating in the Companion Card scheme.
Dataset can be found here
An initial analysis from the Senior and/or Carer cardholders current as at August 2014 by information and special offers flag by location indicates that the Sunshine Coast postcode area (4550 to 4575) has about 80 800 Seniors scheme cardholders
Dataset can be found here
Transport features – Queensland Series
This is a series of datasets covering the State of Queensland displaying transport features. Features are attributed with source information and names where available. Datasets include: Airport Areas, Airport Aprons, Airport Runways, Airport Taxiways, Bridges, Helipads, Landing Grounds, Motorway Toll Points, Railways, Railway Stations and Siding, Road and Rail Tunnels.
Dataset can be found here.
General Transport Feed Specifications (GTFS)
Timetable data and stop locations for all available TransLink division qconnect urban bus services (Regional centres) can be found here.
Timetable data and stop locations for all available TransLink division South East Queensland (SEQ) urban bus, rail and ferry services can be found here.
Translink Real Time Data (Buses South East Queensland) can be found here.
Road Closures and Traffic
Gold Coast city road closures
Traffic data at intersections API (Brisbane)
131940 Traffic and travel information GeoJSON API
131940 GeoJSON API for traffic and road conditions, including incidents, special events, roadworks and restrictions, as well as web cameras.
Dataset can be found here.
131940 RSS feeds for incidents, special events, roadworks and closures/limits
Traffic and travel information rss feeds.
Atherton Forest Mountain Bike Park Trail Maps
Digital trail files for the Atherton Forest Mountain Bike Park in GPS and KML format.
Dataset can be found here.
Queensland Parks and Wildlife Service camping areas
The Queensland Parks and Wildlife Service camping areas are locations in National Parks and State forests where camping is permitted.
Dataset can be found here.
National Public Toilet Map
The National Public Toilet Map shows the location of more than 17,000 public and private public toilet facilities across Australia. Details of toilet facilities can also be found along major travel routes and for shorter journeys as well. Useful information is provided about each toilet, such as location, opening hours, availability of baby change rooms, accessibility for people with disabilities and the details of other nearby toilets.
Dataset can be found here.
Queensland emergency departments
Queensland public hospitals
BCC Immunisation clinics, locations and times
A list of Brisbane City Council immunisation clinic locations and times.
Dataset can be found here.
Park Facilities and Assets
List of parks and assets in Brisbane including park number, park name, node id, node use, node name, item id, item type, item name, description, easting/northing, latitude/longitude.
Logan City Council Park Points
Gold Coast City Council Picnic Tables
Gold Coast Park Seating
Gold Coast Park Shelters
Gold Coast Public Showers
Noosa Shire Council Openspace
Noosa Pathways
Noosa Playground Equipment
Moreton Bay Regional Council Parks with BBQs
Sunshine Coast Regional Council Picnic Tables
Environmental Landmarks Sunshine Coast
Taps, Drinking Fountains, Showers in Outdoor areas Sunshine Coast
General public, government agencies, non-government service providers, private enterprise and others.
Assessment and Scoring
Submissions will be assessed on how well GovHackers meet the following criteria:
- How clearly the submission/concept provides a solution to the identified need
- Innovation and uniqueness
- Functionality, relevance, communication and visualisation
- Viability and marketability
- How beneficial the concept would potentially be to Queenslanders
Other useful links
You will find a comprehensive listing of Australian organisations that are publishing open data at the Open Data Institute of Queensland (ODIQ).
Good luck GovHackers
The Department of Communities, Child Safety and Disability Services