State Challenge - Educate Us!
Sponsored by the Queensland Government on behalf of the:
- Department of Education and Training
Educate Us!
The best use of government data in a hack which educates the community about a topical issue. Ideally your hack should be able to be used to engage and educate school children; other than this, you are limited only by your imagination and your data hacking skills. Here are some ideas.
- Traffic accident statistics could be used to educate people about the dangers of texting and driving
- Antarctic measurements, sea temperatures or other data might inform debates about global warming
- Health data might be used to highlight the incidence of diseases like melanoma in Queensland
To be eligible to win you must use at least one of the data sets provided for this challenge hosted on Open Data Portal, but you are free to use data from the official GovHack list or any other data sets as long as their licensing terms permit.
Useful search terms: govhack 2016; educate us; environment; science; climate; transport; crash; health; silo; death; maps and geospatial.
You may find some of the datasets listed below useful:
Compulsory third party statistics
Monthly supervised driving experience books
Practical driving tests
Road traffic crashes casualities
Road crash locations
Science and the environment:
Consistent climate scenarios
SILO climate database maximum and minimum temperature
Climatic regions for stormwater management
Agricultural land audit
Soils loss equation
Environmental characteristics
SILO climate database solar radiation
HINT! Below is the username and password for SILO datasets published at Open Data Portal if you need it:
Username: workshop1
Password: boxthorn
Cause of Death in Queensland:
Underlying cause of death
Other resources relating to Health:
Sun safety and skin cancer
Sunsmart query
BOM UV and sun protection times
Skin cancer incidence and mortality
Cancer Australia statistics
Consumer perception of mental health services
Mental health activity data
Queensland outcomes collection
Other useful links
You will find a comprehensive listing of Australian organisations that are publishing open data at the Open Data Institute of Queensland (ODIQ).
Good luck GovHackers
Department of Education and Training