Micro surveys - Answering critical open data questions

Micro survey

The Queensland Government open data portal now includes micro surveys which ask only two key questions and should take less than 10 seconds to complete.

The survey is completely anonymous. The survey prompt appears on resource pages, where users download, go to, or view data of interest. Please help us to answer these critical questions by electing to ‘Start survey’ when prompted.

Current Survey – Value

Data.qld.gov.au supports the generation of social, economic and commercial value to benefit Queenslanders in four ways:

  • It enables innovative applications to be created using open data
  • It contributes to research which may expand knowledge
  • It can assist governments to create, or refine existing, public services
  • It empowers the public, enhancing government accountability.

Whilst data.qld.gov.au case studies showcase real-world examples of the value of open data, the majority of open data consumers are anonymous, which makes determining the derived value of data challenging.

This micro survey asks about the user’s purpose and the financial value gained from this data resource over a 12-month period. There is an option for personal/non-financial value should that be more accurate. We appreciate that financial value may take some time to calculate so we are happy with an estimate.

Note the survey will not reappear for a user on subsequent visits. If you don’t complete the survey and navigate away from the resource page, but wish to return later to insert a calculated value in the survey, you can do so by using your browser’s incognito/private window, a different browser or by clearing your browser's cookies and cache.

The results of this survey will support and improve future open data publishing. Should any results of the micro surveys be published, they will be aggregated to ensure any reported value in a particular dataset or resource is not disclosed.