Take Me Anywhere - Tourism jobs challenge
Take Me Anywhere was a GovHack 2018 entry that aimed to link skilled workers with unique jobs in tourism in rural and regional Queensland. It won first place in the Tourism Jobs challenge.
Focussed on boosting skilled workers in Queensland’s tourism sector, the project proposed the development of a search engine website that uses unique algorithms to crawl online listings for tourism jobs in Queensland.
The Data
The Take Me Anywhere project used an algorithm that ranked jobs in order of skills and locations matched. It also proposed a regional weighting figure to define the potential change in tourism employment for different regions, determined by tourism employment data from 2015-2016.
The User
Take Me Anywhere provided an online form for users to search jobs by inputting professional or personal skills and the destination/s of choice. Users could also select a third criterion called ‘I Don’t Care’ that would populate a list of all tourism opportunities in Queensland.
The Benefits
The Take Me Anywhere project aimed to boost skilled workers in much-needed areas in Queensland, improving business and developing local economies. It also proposed a new way for individuals to change or develop their career in the tourism industry.