Helpful Hints
GovHack 2016 event weekend helpful information
The Queensland Government challenges are published on the official GovHack competition portal. On this page you can find some extra information about the challenges and some helpful hints on finding Queensland Government open data.
Extra information on our Queensland Government sponsored National Challenge
Extra information on our State challenges to help you develop your ideas
- Advance Queensland
- Age Friendly Community
- Educate us!
- Evacuate – help us get away!
- Create a cutting edge concept - The Science Sandpit
Featured datasets
View a list of datasets and resources that may help you with you challenges here.
Helpful search terms
Some of our datasets have been tagged. Searching this website using the below suggested terms may help you to discover data relevant to your challenge.
Useful search terms: govhack 2016; Advance Queensland; Age Friendly Community; Educate us; Evacuation; The Science Sandpit, Hiding Wally.
Note: When searching for data based on its tags, the search is case sensitive. A general search that searches dataset titles and metadata is not case sensitive.
Other Queensland Government data sites
Some Queensland Government datasets published to are hosted on external databases and systems:
Climate information held on SILO can be accessed using the following credentials. You don’t need to be a registered SILO user for GovHack 2016.
Username: workshop1
Password: boxthorn
Spatial data held on the Queensland Spatial Catalogue (QSpatial) can be requested with a link to the dataset emailed directly to you for download.
Useful tools and resources
Find a comprehensive listing of useful resources at the Open Data Institute of Queensland (ODIQ) resources page. There you’ll find links to other open data portals, guides, standards and handy tools.