Wrap up
It was a pleasure to have Minister Leeanne Enoch open the GovHack 2016 Queensland Awards, where the winners of the state and locally challenge prizes sponsored by the state and local governments; academia and private sector were announced.
Huge thank you to Katherina Drinkuth, the volunteer GovHack Qld State Manager and Master of Ceremonies Maree Adshead, CEO Open Data Institute Queensland. These ladies made sure the event was fun, inspirational and ran to schedule!
Challenge categories sponsored by the Queensland Government
This year the Queensland Government sponsored five Queensland GovHack competition state challenge and one national challenge prizes.
- Advance Queensland – sponsored by the Department of Science, Information Technology and Innovation
- Age Friendly Community – sponsored by the Department Communities, Child Safety and Disability Services
- Create a cutting edge concept: The Science Sandpit sponsored by the Department of Science, Information Technology and Innovation
- Educate us! – sponsored by the Department of Education and Training
- Evacuation: Help us get away! – sponsored by the Inspector General Emergency Management
- Hiding Wally! – jointly sponsored by the Office of the Information Commissioner Queensland, Queensland Health and the Department of Science, Information Technology and Innovation (national).
The GovHack event is an annual open data competition held all over Australia and New Zealand which draws people together from government, industry, academia and the public. The aim is to pull people together to find new, interesting and innovative ways to provide benefits and services to the community.
This year’s event attracted over 400 registrations from Queenslanders to take part over the competition weekend 29-31 July at one of the venues across the state: Brisbane, Gold Coast, Logan, Ipswich, Toowoomba, Sunshine Coast, Rockhampton and Cairns.
In 46 hours, 70 teams used, reused and mashed up the wealth of open data published by the Queensland Government and other local, state and federal government across Australia to create apps, data visualisations, games, unique maker entries.
The winners of the state challenge prizes were announced at the GovHack 2016 Queensland awards held on the 2nd September.
Advance Queensland!
This challenge was sponsored by the Department of Science, Information Technology and Innovation, Queensland Government.
The challenge:
The most innovative use of Advance Queensland data. Tell a story about the innovation movement in Queensland which is data rich, creative and visually appealing to engage, inspire a broad audience.
More information about Advance Queensland is available from http://advance.qld.gov.au/.
Winner: Unveil the Scene
Team - HackyMcHackFace
Unveil the scene is a web portal that showcases the Australian innovation industry, as well as the government bodies, private investors and general public who are supporting and growing this diverse industry.
The start-up and innovation industry of Australia is incredibly important to our future prosperity. However, it includes such a broad range of industries and new ideas, that it is challenging for anyone to fully understand this area - let alone how it can assist them in their everyday lives, and how they can contribute to further growth of Australian innovation.
In addition to raising public awareness about the extensive work happening in the innovation space, the web portal also aims to promote connections between innovators and their supporters.
Age-friendly Community!
Sponsored by the Department of Communities, Child Safety and Disability Services, Queensland Government.
The challenge:
Best entry that uses open data to support a vision for Queenslanders to live in age-friendly communities that allow people, regardless of their age, to stay active and connected, and to contribute economically, socially and culturally. In particular, an age-friendly community ensures older people are free from age-related barriers.
More information how to assess a community’s age-friendliness available at Age friendly community.
Winner: Community Companion
Team - Community Companion
The Community Companion device is for the elderly, the disabled and the infirmed. It will make it easier to engage people and for them to not feel so isolated and lonely. The Community Companion will help elderly people to overcome feeling disengaged, by delivering data technology to people who want to use it, but feel it is too hard. It will use single-touch technology and voice output. Android text-to-voice service will be used to speak the buttons as they are pressed. In the future the device will use Amazon Echo cloud-based services.
- The Good Old Life by The Good Old Life (Sunshine Coast)
- Time Walks by WalkED (Brisbane)
Highly commended:
- Grey Areas by 5 Shades of Grey (Rockhampton)
- Search Party by GovHack Search Party (Gold Coast)
Create a cutting edge – the Science Sandpit!
This challenge was sponsored by the Department of Science, Information Technology and Innovation, Queensland Government.
The challenge:
The best cutting edge concept that reuses Environmental and Natural Resources Sciences data to improve Government Service Delivery through one or more of the following:
- Information Discoverability and Delivery (visualisation, education and promotion)
- Community Disaster/Risk Awareness (preparedness and response)
- Community and Stakeholder Engagement (communication, interaction, multicultural and special needs).
Winner: Breathe Easy
Team - Remark
Breathe Easy is an app that informs users of the levels of air pollution in real-time on an interactive map. It clearly illustrates the quality of air from poor to good. The web application is responsive for easy use on both desktop and mobile.
In the age of the “Internet Of Things”, sensors have the potential to be implemented in a range of locations and monitor air quality. This crowdsourcing of data will be invaluable in the future.
- Mother Nature by Weigetpaid (Brisbane)
- Snap Ranger by Empower Rangers (Gold Coast)
- WalkED by WalkED (Brisbane)
- John Conner by Toowoomba Trio (Toowoomba)
Educate us!
This challenge was sponsored by the Department of Education and Training, Queensland Government.
The challenge:
The best use of government data in a hack which educates the community about a topical issue. Ideally your hack should be able to be used to engage and educate school children; other than this, you are limited only by your imagination and your data hacking skills.
Winner: Unveil the Scene
Team - HackyMcHackFace
Unveil the scene is a web portal that showcases the Australian innovation industry, as well as the government bodies, private investors and general public who are supporting and growing this diverse industry.
The start-up and innovation industry of Australia is incredibly important to our future prosperity. However, it includes such a broad range of industries and new ideas, that it is challenging for anyone to fully understand this area - let alone how it can assist them in their everyday lives, and how they can contribute to further growth of Australian innovation.
In addition to raising public awareness about the extensive work happening in the innovation space, the web portal also aims to promote connections between innovators and their supporters.
- Bringing Data to the Table by Utiliteam (Brisbane)
Highly commended:
- picspot by AFA (Brisbane)
Evacuation: Help us get away!
Help your community get to safety during evacuations.
This challenge was sponsored by the Office of the Inspector General Emergency Management, Queensland Government.
The challenge:
Queensland is prone to natural disasters. Flood, storm surge and bushfire can all threaten our communities.
The decision to evacuate away from a hazard is a critical one. Evacuation can be difficult, both for authorities and the individuals concerned.
Help disaster managers to better plan for evacuations, and help keep the community aware of what might happen if the evacuation need arises.
Winner: EvacuMate
Team - SoloBolo
EvacuMate is a friendly Facebook messenger bot, built on a platform that changes how we think about managing natural disasters.
It does this by:
- Making community members aware of the possibility of a natural disaster and their responsibilities during an evacuation.
- Helping disaster managers to better plan for and make smart choices during evacuations.
- Giving the members of community informed options and the ability to establish a direct line of communication.
- Crikey! Helping your community by weigetpaid (Brisbane)
Highly commended:
- DingoPack by TeamDingo (Ipswich)
Hiding Wally!
This challenge was co-sponsored by the Office of the Information Privacy Commissioner, Queensland Health and the Department of Science, Information Technology and Innovation, Queensland Government.
The challenge:
There are privacy concerns associated with the publishing of datasets containing the data of identifiable individuals. De-identification methodologies can be laborious or complex and are often a barrier to sharing data. Governments are concerned about the Mosaic Effect.
Create a program that could 'wash' any given dataset of identifying attributes while retaining to greatest practical extent, the integrity of the remaining data.
The winner was announced at the GovHack 2016 National Red Carpet Awards in October 2016.
Winner: De-Identify Your Data Inc
Team: Makin' Bacon Flapjacks (Toowoomba)
De-Identify Your Data Inc is an easy to use web application built as a proof of concept of how the de-identification of datasets can be achieved in a timely and stress-free manner. The users can, in four straightforward steps, de-identify their datasets as well as view visualisations to address any specific queries of the data contained within.
The app has further development potential to support multiple file formats; to combine multiple uploaded datasets for visualisation purposes; to securely store uploaded data and generate dynamic API endpoint for sharing de-identified information; and for user project/sign-on for tracking previously uploaded datasets.
Highly commended:
DAAASGÜD by team DAAAS (Brisbane)
Queensland’s success at the GovHack 2016 National Red Carpet Awards
Queensland won 11 of the 35 categories at the GovHack 2016 National Rec Carpet Awards, including: Best State or Territory Government Participation awarded to the Queensland Government.
Queensland project teams achieving national recognition:
- Search Party by team GovHack Search Party (Gold Coast)
- Future Proof by team The Coding Collective (Sunshine Coast)
- John Conner by team Toowoomba trio (Toowoomba)
- Weather Balls by team Weather Ball (Sunshine Coast)
- De-Identify Your Data Inc by team Makin' Bacon Flapjacks (Toowoomba)
- Accident Tracker by team Kids team (Logan)
- Air Adventure!!! by team Futuristic Blanket (Brisbane)
- Mother Nature by team weigetpaid (Brisbane)
- Breathe Easy by team REMARK (Brisbane)
- Fresh Plans by team YakkityHacks (Brisbane)
- SpokeSocial by team Cylindrical Books (Brisbane)
- Climate Flow by team Earthlings (Brisbane)
- Australia Go! by team Diamonds (Brisbane)
- EvacuMate by team SoloBolo (Brisbane)
Spirit of GovHack
Individual who best showed the GovHack spirit.
- Brisbane - Samuel Hull
- Brisbane Node - Thomas Payne
- Brisbane Maker Node - Rosa Tong
- Gold Coast - Luke Thorpe
- Logan - Denis O'Sullivan
- Sunshine Coast - Mic Black
- Rockhampton - Benedict Wonnocott
Mic Black, Sunshine Coast
Thank you to The Edge for your support in hosting the event.
Congratulations to the winners of the GovHack 2016 Queensland awards.
Challenge categories not sponsored by the Queensland Government.
In addition to the state awards sponsored by Queensland Government agencies, awards were presented to all Queensland winners of the local and state prizes sponsored by local government, academia and business.
Winner - Unveil the Scene
Team Hacky McHackFace took out six award categories sponsored by government and academia including the Queensland Government, Brisbane City Council, University of Queensland and Queensland University of Technology.
Winner of the Best Visualisation of Data sponsored by Brisbane City Council
Winner of the Best Use of Open Data to Enhance Higher Education sponsored by Queensland University of Technology
Winner of the Best Innovative Use of Data and Best Brisbane/Queensland-Oriented Business Related Application sponsored by the University of Queensland
Best of Logan and Logan Land Use and Development
Winners of the Best of Logan and Logan Land Use and Development categories sponsored by Logan City Council.
Winner - Outdoor Experience
The Outdoor Experience provides community groups, families and individuals an app based front end to plan their outdoor experience, provide dynamic and relevant content and to report findings in a simple, user-friendly, age-friendly manner. Take time out to listen to the birds!
Winner - Smart Moves Logan
Are you ready to move? What do you know about the place where you want to live and/or invest? Make a SMART MOVE by using this tool to explore what's in the area and what could be coming in the near future.
Best of Logan Youth
Winner - Accident Tracker
The Best of Logan Youth category sponsored by Logan City Council was awarded to our youngest award winners, Edward age 11 and Vrish age 7.
Accident Tracker is a real time web app that allows you to access data on recent traffic incidents. The data is displayed on a map with a table for more details. Using this data you can improve transport infrastructure, this allows better use of road upgrades. The purpose of this project is to better connect Queensland.
Best of Gold Coast & Entrepreneurs award
Winner - Search Party
GovHack Search Party winners of the Best of Gold Coast and Gold Coast Entrepreneurs award.
Search Party is a mobile application that co-ordinates the public in searching for missing persons. GPS tracking is utilized for individuals currently searching for missing persons to generate a 'heat map', which draws attention to areas that have not been recently searched. This app hopes to improve the detection of missing persons by improving the efficiency of volunteers using the app.
Best use of Gold Coast Data
Winner - Snap Ranger
Empower Rangers winners of the Best Use of Gold Coast Data sponsored by the Gold Coast City Council.
The Snap Ranger app provides the means to identify and educate the community about local wildlife whilst enjoying the Gold Coast's scenic nature. Also, it allows the user to help our rangers to protect our fauna and flora by becoming more conscience of and enjoy the local natural resources can bring awareness regarding the importance of preserving them.
Commercialisation award
Winner - Future Proof
The winners of the Commericalisation category sponsored by Noosa and Sunshine Coast Councils, Regional Development Australia and Unity Water. How might open data be used to created commercially viable business opportunities on the Sunshine Coast?
Future Proof - As a team of software developers we understand that machines are replacing labour on both a physical level, and mental level. Automation and business needs to optimise for efficiency are putting people out of work, or significantly reducing the required hours to complete specific tasks. For our population to meet to the challenges presented by these changing employment conditions, we need our current workforce to be able to re-locate, re-skill, or re-educate; the other option - retire - is not available to the great majority of the populace
The Coding Collective’s goal is to provide a web based resource that can facilitate the best application of human resources to industry requirements using data to determine latent needs present in the local economy and growth industries of a particular area and the expected financial outcomes for employees based on trends present in related financial, economic and other indicators.
Thank you to The Edge for your support in hosting the event.
Congratulations to the winners of the GovHack 2016 Queensland awards.